Christopher Pineda

Web Developer with experience in front and back-end languages and frameworks including React, Redux, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Ruby, Rails, and SQL. Formerly, public relations and marketing in the arts. I am passionate about developing great products through expressive and creative design. New York, NY



Music streaming app built with Ruby on Rails, React, and Redux, inspired by Spotify

  • Built a custom audio player component with an HTML audio tag and JavaScript, for continuous audio playback while navigating the site
  • Integrated AJAX requests via thunk actions and Redux for seamless simultaneous updating of users and playlists across the site, and improved load time by asynchronously fetching current user data on login
  • Constructed a JSON API to return database information, including dynamically generated playlist art based on songs currently in the playlist
  • Designed custom react-modal component to create rich context menus containing both JavaScript functions and playlist components that provide a natural user experience with contextual functionality for every song

Ternary Town

Casual match-three game built with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS, inspired by Triple Town

  • Built recursive algorithm to identify all matches on every turn
  • Constructed JavaScript tile objects to separate concerns between the game layer and a view layer that manipulates DOM elements
  • Designed game to increase tile complexity as gameplay progresses, allowing the experience to grow richer as users advance levels
  • Created detailed CSS effects and animations for engaging design

DOM Helper

Light-weight JavaScript library for DOM interaction, inspired by jQuery

  • Employed native DOM API to create library for handling DOM selection, DOM manipulation, events, and AJAX requests, increasing efficiency of development on the DOM
  • Built root method to namespace functions; the method can also accept functions to be executed after the DOM fully loads













Get in touch

I am a Senior Front-End Engineer at SoFi and am not currently on the job market, but I would love to connect and learn more about what you do! I am always open to new projects in my free time.